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Acerca de Rin International

Satoko Yamada
  • Nacido en la ciudad de Nagoya

  • Estudió en el extranjero en España y Estados Unidos y ha estado involucrado durante mucho tiempo en el intercambio internacional.

  • Ex consejero de la Asociación de Intercambio Internacional de la Prefectura de Aichi

  • Ex profesor a tiempo parcial en escuelas secundarias de la prefectura de Aichi

  • Ex intérprete civil de la Jefatura de Policía de la Prefectura de Aichi y de la Fiscalía del Distrito de Nagoya.

  • Ex voluntario de la Fundación de Programas Interculturales AFS (director de la sucursal de Okazaki, miembro del Comité de Relaciones Públicas de la Asociación Japonesa)

  • Exdirector de la Asociación de Intercambio Internacional de la Ciudad de Kita-Nagoya

  • Junta de Educación de la Ciudad de Nagoya del Norte, Miembro de la Junta de Educación

  • Organizador de aulas Rin Kimono

En 2012, su marido fue nombrado embajador de la cerámica Tobeyaki, lo que la inspiró a presentar la artesanía tradicional japonesa, especialmente la cerámica, que siempre le ha gustado, tanto al público nacional como al internacional. Además de cultivar la rica sensibilidad de la gente, trabaja activamente para apoyar a los artesanos y garantizar la transmisión de sus habilidades a la siguiente generación.

【Appointment as Tobe Ware Ambassador: Announcement and Greetings】

Around 2012, when my husband, Masahiko Yamada, became the president of Shikishimapan and was appointed as a Tobe ware ambassador, I, as a lover of pottery, visited the Tobe Ware Traditional Industry Hall for the first time.


There, I was deeply drawn to the white porcelain works of Yashiko Shiragata of Hachizui Kiln. The simple yet harmonious blend of hard porcelain and soft curves made my mind feel clear and serene.


Guided by a local, I visited Shiragata sensei’s workshop and heard from him that he had arrived at the creation of simple vessels through his pursuit of wheel-throwing techniques.


I was also deeply moved to learn that Shiragata sensei, as a member of the first group of Overseas Cooperation Volunteers, was dispatched to the Philippines, where he came to desire a world without war through pottery instruction. 


One of Shiragata sensei’s representative works is a globe without borders, which is displayed at the United Nations European Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Upon learning this, I was so impressed that I went to see it myself.


As for me, I have long been a volunteer with AFS, a high school student exchange organization that promotes peace. This has strengthened my belief in the importance of connections between people from diverse backgrounds.


Moreover, upon hearing that the soil used for Tobe ware has excellent properties, I visited a quarry and was surprised to find that it was the same quarry where my father-in-law had once conducted research for a ceramics company in Nagoya. This deepened my sense of connection to Tobe ware.

Until now, despite the fact that my husband has been busy with his main business, I have been able to continue my public relations activities for Tobe ware thanks to the warm support and understanding of the local people.

And now, thanks to the recommendation of local people, I have also been appointed as a Tobe ware ambassador.

I have heard that there are no other examples of a husband and wife serving as Tobe ware ambassadors, and I intend to fulfill this honorable role together with my husband and promote its appeal from the Tokai region.


Thank you for your continued support.


Satoko Yamada

Gallery Rin


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